I was there the day the world changed.
Because there once was a day when the world changed. This day actually occurred. It really did.
We live in a world that appears to be fixed. And in most ways it is. Our world does not often change and sometimes, no matter how much we want it to change, it never does. In many ways we don’t want the world to change and go to great lengths to prevent change. If you go through life expecting that the world will never change, when the momentous change occurs it is hard to know what to make of it.
In my case the world did change and would never be the same again. I found it both exhilarating and a letdown. Pleasing and disappointing. Both traumatic and healing. Soothing and disquieting. All of these and more.
The day itself was almost perfect weather wise. The first week in October. Not a cloud in the sky. A cool fine day. There was a slight breeze. If you stood still you could feel the cool breeze across your face. I have always found this pleasurable and remember it to this day. I am reminded always when I experience this sensation.
Tom and I left home early. I was fulfilling a long held promise to him. It had been touch and go whether I could keep my promise to Tom, but after a lot of stress and effort I was able to arrange it. This day became one of the great joys of being a father. Only fathers and sons can experience what happened and the pleasure that resulted.
We took the normal route to our destination and had no traffic problems. Neither of us are superstitious, so we did not see this as portentous. But in hindsight you could read something into it.
On arrival I fulfilled another long held promise in that I allowed Tom to buy a magazine that I had always denied him previously because I considered its purchase a waste of money. But I was pleased to see him read the magazine and get a lot of enjoyment from doing this. I had never seen my son take so much interest and concentration as he did in carefully reading every word in this magazine. We sometimes get pleasure in ways we never expect and I remember the pleasure I experienced in watching him added to the enjoyment of the day. He was ten years old and just learning the joys of reading.
We had to wait a long time for the ceremonies to begin. We were in the standing room only section. But we waited patiently. Finally proceedings started.
The world actually changed over the course of the next two and a half hours. This sounds trite but at the end of proceedings the world had changed forever.
The actual event still seems like a dream. And like all dreams I only remember fragments. Some things have been indelibly imprinted on my brain and others have been wiped forever from my memory. I remember small unimportant things and I do not remember other things that have later been deemed important. In reality I only have vague memories of most of the day. I have no sense that two and a half momentous hours passed. I cannot remember either Tom or myself uttering a sound. Certainly neither of us can remember any involvement or reaction to what was happening. That is until the end. Towards the end I wanted the last 5 minutes to go on forever, but of course it seemed to go in seconds.
I did not dare make a sound until the actual end. Then I made my feelings known to everyone. Or tried to.
I actually shouted. YES. YES. YES. People around me were dancing.
The world had changed. I was there when it happened. And I was with my son. We will always have this to share.
The date was the 6th of October 1990
COLLINGWOOD 13.11 (89)
ESSENDON 5.11 (41)
'The Death of the Colliwobbles' was announced in all the daily papers on the following Monday.
Neville Gibb
(This is an amended version of a story previously published for 'I Was There' in 2017)