We are still awaiting for the fine detail of Benalla Festival's Writing Competition to be released before beginning stories for our October session. We know it will relate in some way to Benalla Festival's theme for 2019 ‘Fiesta of Festivities - a celebration of events and festivals that bring the community together'.
Our task for November is to keep a note book close by in which we note any ‘triggers’ which lead us to reminisce about a time in our lives. We may be talking to someone, watching television or a film, driving somewhere, reading a book. We are to choose one to three of these and write about the memories evoked – keeping the total words to 500 – 750 words.
As it's taster time - please feel free to join or rejoin us on 28 October and/or 25 November from 2 to 4 pm. You might like even to bring a story to share!
Bev Lee