- Author: Andi Stevenson (also a U3A member)
- Subtitle/’lens’ or focus: 'a ‘life stage’ change in decision making about body modification and image' ‘an amusing story about how Andi’s attitude and decisions about ear piercing changed over time’
- Universal themes: at least two eg. Career loss; midlife crisis; motherhood/fatherhood; grief; etc In this case - perhaps, life stages, body image?
- Highlight – how it related to something in/about your life; etc. Over to you!
Feel about writing a paragraph or two reflecting on body modification and body image in relation to your life? ... Earrings, tattoos, false eyelashes, even tanning… wiglets, corsets, padded bras, what about ‘orthodontic’ work; breast implants or reductions; other?“
Bev Lee