Adapted for digital technology, '500 Words' story topics still feature on ABC's Life Matters, which has been running on the ABC Radio National between 9 and 10 am for many years. Our icebreaker today is related to their current topic.... 'My Happy Place'...
My Happy Place'... from ABC Life Matter's current "Life in '500 words' theme"... Describe your happy place, where it is and why it's special to you, in 500 words or less. If you don't have one to speak of now, share a happy place you had at one stage of your life...
Sample -
- The use of monthly topics – ‘memoir fragments’ . We have developed a rich library of topics over the past nine years, largely from ABC Open’s ‘500 words’ project, but increasingly from a diverse range of sources, including ourselves!
- Our focus is on memoir fragments rather than on writing an autobiography from 'go to whoa', however over time stories can be grouped in life stage sequence. Some people also write about their lives in a time line sequence as a separate exercise and at times draw upon this work to craft and edit a 'slice of life' 500 words story on one of our topics.
- Word Limits – we aim towards the target of 500 words, but there are no penalties for not meeting this... under or over!
- Poetry as Memoir - it is fine to submit a poem, rather than prose
- The course is not a 'skills focussed' course, but a course which encourages us to develop our own voice by writing regularly and encouraging & supporting others.
- We do have discussions in class geared to develop our understanding of the nature of memoir and memoir writing, and have included a 'memoir review' topic on our list.
- We do receive occasional reminders about, for example, extra long sentences with more than one 'and'. At the end of last year Bev prepared a list of some writing patterns she tends to edit when putting our stories on the website.
- It may well be that while we are working towards finding truth in memoir, other people have different recollections of the same events.
- Writing can be a cathartic process – it is important to look after our personal well being. In terms of sharing stories in class, our guideline is to avoid sharing stories which still cause considerable emotional pain. Even when we think we'll be fine, we can still find it difficult to read some stories aloud - something we all understand. This doesn't mean not writing about such issues, but being thoughtful about whether to read them out in class.
- Confidentiality issues can arise when writing about real people (sometimes doing so negatively) - the guideline is to handle privacy issues with care, both when telling stories and with sharing news of stories told in class with others. (Chatham House Rules).
- Handling gender and other sensitive or ethical issues in our stories - sometimes the way we write will reflect our recollections of the time, however we do try to apply gender neutral guidelines. It is rarely an issue... but can come up!
- Publishing our stories - over the years we have built up a collection of stories on the website, with the 'authors' stories joined by 'stories by topic' during Co-vid, when people couldn't come to class but enjoyed reading the monthly stories on-line.
- Photographs are worth searching for to add to your story - it is worth taking the time to locate a photo you remember related to the story you are writing while you are in the zone, as it may be more difficult later. Also, if you do decide to compile your stories, a photo or two accompanying each story is well worthwhile.
- Sending in stories before class allows them to be screened on the wall, which helps us all in hearing and focusing on the stories. Do this if you can, however it is not compulsory.
- Editing suggestions – a gentle approach to suggesting edits before publishing on the website - occasional changes to help with readability, and the discussion and possible elimination of the odd unnecessary swear word or two for publication posterity!