The topic for our next session Monday 26th July is ‘Cringe’ – ‘Your eyes squint, your cheeks burn red, your teeth grate. Share a personal cringe-worthy tale of woe that you can’t quite forget’. The alternative topic, recommended for newer class members, is ‘Ideas Piggy Bank’.
1) Create/draw upon an ‘Ideas Piggy Bank’ such as a shoe box or other box or drawer containing objects and artefacts that enliven your memories, through scent and feel. Maps, menus, theatre programs, an old report card, vials of perfume, a garment, treasured photographs, a souvenir, an expired passport can sometimes trigger a work rich with detail.
(2) Select two items from the piggy bank as creative prompts – what do they mean to you? What were you doing, why; what were you thinking at the time this object related to your life? (250 words for each object)
Beverley Lee