An almost full roll up for our regular mid-month class saw more contributions including Brian’s perceptive story on ‘Advice’; Maxine’s description of a wonderful hotel she came across on tour at Tenterfield; memorable ‘What happened in Vegas’ stories from Jenny and David; a lively discussion about the role of grandparents after Carole’s story on Grandparents and Grand parenting; a quirky story from Pat on ‘The Unexplained’ and Joy’s very imaginative and engaging story for the new ‘The Sky’s the Limit’ topic. Godfrey presented another ‘... I have known’ topic – this time ‘Interesting People I have Known’ - based on his memories as an eight year old visiting a wealthy Marple relative, Cliff Cooper, the alcohol loving inventor of Cooper’s Louvre Windows.
Topics for October are ‘Dear Unfinished Business’ and the Benalla Festival’s writing competition topic ‘The Sky’s the Limit’, set in honour of the upcoming World Gliding Championship. With some members considering writing a stand up comedy set for one of our topics, resources on stand up comedy have been reposted on our web page. Pat’s stories are now included in ‘Our Stories’ on the website—beautifully crafted and often quirky, they always create interest when shared in class.
On a closing note - ‘Our Stories’ has had the most views our website this month after the homepage! We hope you enjoy reading them.