"How much DNA do you share with relatives? Centimorgans" videos and chart Re DNA - How many centimorgans do you share with relatives?
Researching your Family Home: a handout of resources from mentor Judy Barry, who worked in the Titles Office for over 30 years and keeps abreast of their online environment.
Adding a website link to a person’s profile – some excellent instructions in a handout prepared by mentor Deb Saunders which begins with instructions on finding service records from the National Archives.
Andi Stevenson’s ‘Gawn to Town’ column in the September 2023 ‘Tatong Tattler’… go to page 8
‘Grounded’ research - grounding our story in themes which emerged as we immersed ourselves in our research….
Grounded’ research is research through which patterns are identified in data collected, patterns which can formed into frameworks/structure for, in our case, publishing a family story. Perhaps there is a ‘standout character’ for whom lots of information is available… (eg. ‘Our Walter – Famous or Infamous’), some characters who also proved significant in some way (eg. ‘Courageous Women’), and then some minor characters whose stories, while diverse, are worth sharing clustering and sharing for some reason (eg ‘Five Survivors’).
Immersing and grounding yourself in your family history can result in themes, which abounded for a key person in a publication brought in by Val Harris, ‘Our Walter – Famous or Infamous’, who received ‘top billing’, with feature stories about other people who are prominent, and events which stand out clustered under themes - 'Courageous Women' and 'Survivors'.
‘Up the Abley Tree’
Introduction. The Family Tree of Walter & Frances Abley..
Chapter 1 Beginnings
Chapter 2 Germantown
Chapter 3 Joy and Sorrow
Chapter 4 Doing Time
Chapter 5 Things that Bounce
Chapter 6 And then there were Two
Chapter 7 "I'm in a Hurry"
Chapter 8 Man of Mystery
Chapter 9 Gran Abley
Chapter 10 Frances Too
Chapter 11 Nellie
Chapter 12 The Preacher
Chapter 13 Will
Chapter 14 Edith
Chapter 15 Charlie
Researchers' Notes
Appendix A Appendix B
This month's story topics:
‘Correspondence’ Write about some correspondence from the past involving your ancestors which revealed something of particular interest to you and perhaps helped to shape your research. Who wrote the correspondence? Who to? About? Tell us about the difference it made, the value it added, to your research.
Barry - in family stories blog
Coming up in September - ‘Setting the Record Straight’
Share a story about a time when you felt you needed to 'set the record straight' about an element of your family story - perhaps to your family, perhaps to a wider audience eg. community; family history community such as ancestry.com, etc...
‘Family Mystery – the Case of the …..’
‘There is usually more than one mystery in a family tree! Tell us about a family mystery (or another family mystery) that still, or for a long time remained, unresolved, on your family tree...’
Coming up in October - to help you to plan ahead... Theme 'Out and About'
‘Contact with a local Historical society’
Write about an actual or planned contact with a local historical society to find out more about a particular person or branch of your family... What....? Where? When? Why? How? Outcomes? It's over to you! If you haven’t done this already, perhaps it’s a good time to do so! Let us know what you are planning.
‘An Interview with a family member’
Write about a time when you made contact with a member of your family to find out more about their lives and other family members. Who, What, When, Where, Why, Outcomes, Reflections??? It’s over to you! If you haven’t done this already, perhaps it’s a good time to do so! Let us know what you are planning.