Deb has been given access as a guest to the Stewart side of her family on an ancestry tree and has been diligently copying from that tree to her own ancestry tree, learning new skills which she is happy to share. Deb is also a direct DNA descendant of King Robert 3rd … a celebrity amongst us!
Sue reported receiving DNA results after her test needed redoing and is looking forward to exploring the results and what might emerge. Later in the session Sue fact checked a question relating to transferability of DNA results, finding “My Heritage” says it is possible to upload DNA data from another provider for free.
Andi described a current gain as having paid for a 6-month Ancestry account, enabling her to dip into her research whenever she finds a moment to do so. Jane expressed the pain of misplacing a document related to her intriguing “Aunty Hilda” story, while David P reported being a bit discouraged since he transferred Ancestry to My Heritage as he has received many error messages.
Our Family Stories segment this month focused on ‘Inheritance’ whether through Wills or traditions. Deb traced the origins of an inherited and strong love of music across generations in her story “MUSIC – tracing the inherited love of music through my family tree”. Deb’s grandfather was a much-lauded musician and earned many important medals. David H’s presentation “Food Music and Home life in the 50’s and 60’s” proved wonderful reminder of delicious … and avoidable foods …. and sharing songs around a record player! In “Inheritance – Ferry good money from the Derwent”, David P described a contrivance in late 1700’s to get to Australia for free. A hive of bees, an uncle who was a sentencing magistrate, and committing a crime to achieve this. A rollicking story.
Andi wrote about inheriting an old photo from her mother which led to a mystery to solve when a second photo almost the same was discovered during Andi’s research.
Always on the lookout for publishing ideas, during the session Bev shared information about’s ‘Create a Keepsake’ link to My Canvas, which draws from family tree data to produce posters, calendars, books and other keepsakes.
August’s Topics –
‘Correspondence 1’ Time to delve into your email/other records and find a letter/other missive you wrote to make contact with someone in relation to a family tree, or someone wrote to you. You'll need to add a brief introduction to contextualise it, and a brief conclusion summarising 'What Happened Next'!
‘Correspondence 2’ Write about some correspondence from the past involving your ancestors which revealed something of particular interest to you and helped to shape your research. Who wrote the correspondence? Who to? About? Tell us about the difference it made, the value it added, to your research.
Jane Rushworth