Those who had been unable to attend the previous month outlined their objectives for the year and their areas of interest. The other members then spoke about their progress during the last month. There was much laughter as newly discovered family scandals and intrigues were revealed. Wendy Webster brought along the folders of work she has already completed towards her Winton Pioneers project. These were of great interest to new member Pat McDonald, who has Winton pioneers among his ancestors.
Judy read out a very poignant eulogy she had written for the loss of her husband 20 years ago. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room. She also read another piece she had written which gave people an idea of the types of family research story styles which could be utilised.
The writing topic for the month was on a family treasure that the owner would find hard to let go of. Items were varied with a beautiful bowl, an embroidered postcard, a tiny compass, a hand-made lace cloth, letters/documents of significance, telegrams, treasured photographs, beautifully bound old books of Shakespeare and a drawing done by an ancestor during their school days.
The three hour session passed very quickly.
The next session is scheduled for Thursday 22 April from 1pm in the U3A room at the Senior Citizen’s Centre.
Topic of the Month for April: Describe your relationship with a grandparent using a fond memory.
Wendy Sturgess and Bev Lee