Thank you to the group for accommodating that last minute change, and in particular, thank you to Graeme for the attendance roll and to Gabija for the notes in this report.
"The discussion was lively and mostly centred on the politics of the day and the current state of the world, with plenty of solutions offered .
1.Rudd's apparent change of attitude toward Donald and why:
- Personal gain.
- Politics - keeping the peace if Trump becomes the next President and keeping us safer in the Pacific region.
- Assassination attempt made Trump even more popular.
- What hold might he have over his opponents.
- Previous doubters are now singing his praises.
2. Politics generally.
- Leaders (seem) skilful in manipulation to stay in power.
- We don’t know what goes on behind the scenes - no transparency.
- Idea that we "Keep your enemies close" - (Vance now could become Vice President).
3. The world seems unsettled -
- Do these feelings spread by “osmosis” once enough people feel the same?
- Does psychology explain this?
- General anxiety about what lies ahead.
- What impact do big events such as COVID and climate change have on the psyche of the world?
- Is this why people are on a short fuse - fear, anxiety, feeling helpless/hopeless?
- What is the point of anything when there is nothing we can do about it?"
Thank you to Gabija and all group members. Perhaps we will continue this discussion when we meet again. The oft reported, and not limited to this group discussion, sense of futility might be an interesting starting point.
NEXT Meeting:
Date/Time: 15 August 2:00 - 4:00pm
Location: RSL Building Nunn Street
Keep warm and see you soon,
0437 621 57