I hope you’re able to make the most of this surreal Picasso-esque time in which we know what we’re looking at, but it all seems quite odd.
Perhaps like you, my focus has been my “tribe” – my three children and their families. Fears and changes rolled over us daily. Some incomes have gone, staff have been put off, businesses closed, or models changed (three times in one week for a cafe). Now we’re relatively “settled” as well as respectful, intrigued and appreciative of the emerging new “normal”.
Had we been meeting at U3A, we might have been discussing:
- What theoretical perspectives describe your recent experiences?
- How has your preferred coping style varied? How might others have seen these changes?
- How are you nurturing yourselves? What are your daily self-kindnesses?
- Recent political and economic decisions reflect Maslow’s theory. How?
Some interesting links at this time of considerable change.
- Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
- Social distancing - “The Gruffalo” and Social Distancing https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-52149055
- Alice Springs News Online: Getting the crisis psychology right.https://www.alicespringsnews.com.au/2020/04/03/getting-the-crisis-psychology-right
- Mental Health Wellness Tips for Quarantine https://www.facebook.com/margie.donlon.1/posts/10221877604477126
- Nona’s Tips for Difficult times https://www.facebook.com/maria.ratti.54/posts/2834792616603996
- Keeping up with family and friends. Social networking apps – Zoom, HouseParty, etc. Search your AppStore in Apple or Android. Learn! Ask a grandchild.
Stay connected and curious.
Jane Rushworth
Image: Pablo Picasso 'The Weeping Woman' 1937. Tate Gallery, London c.Succession Picasso/DACS 2020)