Two and a half hours 'just whizzed by' during the Demystifying Psychology Discussion Group's break up gathering at Zeus on December 19!
Break-Up Details
Discussion Highlights
Closing Note Discussion group members, thank you for making this discussion group a space for thought-provoking conversations over the years. Appreciation also to Bev and Heather for their skilled recording of Benalla U3A activities, and to the U3A Committee for all the "behind the scenes" work that forms the foundation of an exceptional Benalla U3A. 2025 Demystifying Psychology Discussion Group details:
See you at Zeus Coffee Co for lunch 12:00 - 2:00pm on 19 December. Jane 0437 621 575 Housekeeping First:
At the request of the group and with the support of the U3A committee, I am pleased to confirm that the 2025 Demystifying Discussion Group will be held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. A big thank you to everyone involved! . However, I understand that this schedule may not work for everyone. If that’s the case, perhaps the "Perceptions of Difficulty" course group, which meets on the 3rd Thursday from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm, might appeal to you. This Month's Discussion: Our latest discussion was sparked by a recent media report about cursing robotic vacuum cleaners (link 1 below). This led us to delve into artificial intelligence (AI)—our experiences with it, the concerns we have, and how it may shape our lives in the future. Perhaps unsurprisingly, few members have fully embraced AI, and many were cautious. There was a shared curiosity about the role AI already plays in our daily lives. We asked ourselves: What other household tools could be crude, rude, and even spy on us? As we examined this further, it became clear that we have been living with and integrating AI into our lifestyles for many years. For example, mobile phones have become extensions of ourselves, Netflix keeps us binge-watching on cold winter days, and our cars talk to us—although sometimes they direct us through paddocks or even waterholes! One neighbour even sets a robotic mower in motion regularly. There are countless examples of AI in our daily routines, yet the introduction of AI apps like ChatGPT often evokes fears of robots taking over the world. Further Reading: The University of Adelaide hosted an intriguing conference on Responsible AI (date to be confirmed). Link 2 will take you to one of the presentations, which highlights 10 examples of AI that are already part of our daily lives and explores key questions like "What do we need to be talking about now?" and "What are the next steps?" For those looking to dive deeper, there are also several insightful essays on this topic. Simply paste the essay title into a search engine for more information. Link 3 will take you to the essay titled "A Unique Opportunity for Australia: Bridging the Divide Between Fundamental AI Research and Usable, Embodied AI." Plenty of food for thought here! Link 1 - Link 2 - Link 3 - Disclosure: I wrote this report then asked ChatGPT to "Refine" it. You have just read the result. Next meeting: Thursday 21st November Location: Ruby Blue Cafe Nunn Street. Jane Rushworth Discussions at our September session were bold and insightful, but before diving into the topics, we’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to the Benalla RSL. For the past three months, Heather and Paul have been incredibly kind and generous, providing us with a warm and welcoming space. We’ve truly appreciated their hospitality and support.
Ruby Blue will re-open its beautifully renovated café on October 1 at 64 Nunn Street. Today's discussions spanned a variety of topics. Below are some of the key issues along with links for further exploration: Roles and functions of Councillors and Chief Executive Office (CEO): Information can be found at Version No. 021, Local Government Act 2020 - see attached document.
Sex or Gender?,groups%20of%20women%20and%20men. Child Gender Transition - this Australian legal opinion describes "only when there is no dispute between parents or those with parental responsibility, the medical practitioner and the young person themselves with regards to:
Shakespeare had much to say about gender. He questioned gender expectations of his time, explored gender fluidity and put the spot-light on identity, power and societal norms. If you enjoy this podcast link to "Gender in Shakespeare" 'it is one of a fascinating series. Gender fluidity has an extensive well-documented history across many cultures; These two links include the tale of Billy Lee Tipton (December 29, 1914 – January 21, 1989) who was an American jazz musician, bandleader, and talent broker. Tipton lived and identified as a man for most of his adult life; after his death, friends and family were surprised to learn that he was transgender. Cultural recognition of gender fluidity. "Throughout history, many cultures have recognized gender identities other than male and female. Nonbinary people have often occupied unique positions in their societies, serving as priests, artists, and ceremonial leaders. Here are some nonbinary genders recognized by cultures around the world.",and%20dressing%20in%20men's%20fashions. Next Meeting: Ruby Blue Cafe, 64 Nunn Street Benalla, Thursday 17 October.2 - 4pm Jane Rushworth October's Local Government Elections influenced this month's discussion about effective leadership and the importance of supporters. The discussion group began about 4 years ago and during that time we have had a few opportunities to look closely at one of America's most enigmatic leaders - past president Donald Trump. Now we have an opportunity to apply some of our discussions and discoveries to emerging and re-emerging local leaders.
We looked at the role of an effective councillor. We reflected on our personal values and how these compare to Local Government Core Values. We took a look at the role of the voters and how criticism differs from critiquing.
Finally, we referred back to Des Hunt's "Preferred Coping Styles" as a tool to assist in making the decision about who will receive our very precious and powerful votes in the October LGA Elections. In summary, we are more likely to choose a suitable candidate if we understand our own values and can identify these values reflected in a potential leader. The idea for Demystifying Psychology Discussion Group was a group initiative arising from the Demystifying Psychology Content Group. The Content group looks at psychological concepts and frameworks; the discussion group applies these to everyday events including local, national and global events such as the enigmatic Donald. The discussion group is not a therapy group, rather it is a sharing of ideas and theories about events. The role of the Convener .. moi ... is to link the discussion to psychological theories. The Discussion Group meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month (excluding January). A knowledge of core Psychological concepts is a prerequisite for participation in the Discussion Group. Hence the prerequisite for Discussion Group participation being the completion of the 5 session Content group. Meetings are currently held at the RSL Building in Nunn Street. Many thanks to Paul Hartland (RSLL President) and Heather Hartland (RSL Secretary) for their very thoughtful hospitality. The RSL has an amazing and extensive memorabilia collection over two floors connected by a lift. This exhibition is highly recommended. NEXT MEETING: Day/date: Thursday 19 September Time: 2:00 - 4:00 pm Location: RSL Building - Nunn St., Benalla. Jane Rushworth This month the group went "solo" after I needed to isolate while caring for a very sick wee grandie... who is back on his feet again.
Thank you to the group for accommodating that last minute change, and in particular, thank you to Graeme for the attendance roll and to Gabija for the notes in this report. "The discussion was lively and mostly centred on the politics of the day and the current state of the world, with plenty of solutions offered . 1.Rudd's apparent change of attitude toward Donald and why:
2. Politics generally.
3. The world seems unsettled -
Thank you to Gabija and all group members. Perhaps we will continue this discussion when we meet again. The oft reported, and not limited to this group discussion, sense of futility might be an interesting starting point. NEXT Meeting: Date/Time: 15 August 2:00 - 4:00pm Location: RSL Building Nunn Street Keep warm and see you soon, Jane Convener 0437 621 57 Welcome 2024 Semester 1 "Graduates" to our first meeting at the Benalla RSL rooms - great to have you on-board!! The room was warm and the large table ideal for the group's size (12). Many thanks to RSL President Paul Hartland and RSL Secretary Heather Hartland for hosting us. A wee bit of housekeeping included a reminder about Chatham House Rules apply to the group, and the purpose of the group. See notes for 27/2/2024 at At June’s meeting we discussed "Have you ever been brave, how did you feel at the time, and how do you feel about that bravery now?" Examples covered a range of situations, from the everyday & familiar, to acts of bravery that needed careful planning, and some that were speedy and reactive to a sudden event. Many had a common theme - uncertainty and/or fear precipitated the decision to act. High profile public and extraordinary examples of whistle-blowers also caught our attention. The meeting location prompted thoughts on bravery in war time. It was agreed soldiers on active duty are brave, then we were invited to consider if it is bravery when a soldier is doing a job they have been commanded to perform and which they have no choice but to do. TED speaker Margie Warrell talks about how to find all the courage you need. Please note - possible trigger warning 10min.33sec - 12min.15sec. Skip this section by dragging the red ball along the red time-line at the bottom of the screen. Call me .. happy to help. A last minute comment about the role of bystanders has prompted the following references.
The "School bullying situation" is very encouraging. PLEASE: Share additional references in the "comments" area below. NEXT MEETING: Date: 18 July Location Benalla RSL at 58-62 Nunn Street Time: 2:00pm - 4:00pm Refreshment options: BYO, RSL tea/coffee at no charge, or pre-purchase from Ruby Blue for delivery to the RSL. Jane Rushworth Travel is credited with broadening one's a mind .. and after a short but information packed 3 weeks in Morocco, I cannot argue against that. It was a delight t be able to report back to the group the various new learnings I have brought back. The beautiful and essential Atlas Mountains almost divide Morocco in two - roughly east and west - making it a prefect example of the impact of climate (and change) on culture, economics and traditions. We failed in our endeavors to apply a theoretical framework to travelling :)
After a cuppa (thank you to Ruby V Blue team) we had a more intense look at operant and inoperant conditioning. "Classical conditioning involves learning through associations between stimuli, while operant conditioning involves learning through the consequences of behavior. Classical conditioning focuses on involuntary, reflexive responses, whereas operant conditioning focuses on voluntary, goal-directed behaviors. Click this link for more information on the key differences between classical and operant conditioning. Next meeting: Date/time: Thursday 20 June 2:00 - 4:00pm Location: NOTE change - Benalla RSL at 58-62 Nunn Street - we will meet here while Ruby Blue undergoes renovations to the their shop. Ruby Blue will temporarily relocate to the "Farmers' Basket" 52 Nunn Street. Thank you to Dan (Ruby Blue) for organising an alternative location for this U3A group in anticipation of these changes. Finally, please be prepared to welcome new Discussion Group members in the new semester. New members will have completed the pre-requisite 5 sessions of the Demystifying Psychology Course group. Cheers everyone, Jane Thanks to everyone for meeting a week earlier this month at Ruby Blue Cafe. We appreciated Dan and Jodi's update on the Cafe's anticipated temporary relocation for building renovations. There is nothing solid to report yet, so for this group it is "business as usual".
A reminder that Ruby Blue closes at 4:00pm during winter, so we'll aim for a 3:45 finish which means no new "meaning of life" discussions from 3:30. Topics this month fitted an overarching "changes we notice ''. In particular we discussed current parenting trends, gender pay gap, sex and gender, and gender trends in the workforce. Points of interest included: Current parenting trends - mobile phones and parenting. Gender pay gap - with "same job, same pay" is there really a pay gap? (calm .. calm:):)) Sex and gender - Gender and sex differ; and how a binary minded world responds to gender changes. Gender trends in the workforce - a positive move to encourage females into male dominated industries, however, what is being done to encourage males to participate in female dominated industries?. The group seeks to apply a psychological framework to discussions, however, on this occasion we dived deep into "gender pay gap - does it exist?" and then time ran out. On reflection, the psychology of change is one of a few theories (frameworks) applicable to our discussions. More details at On a final note, I've observed that one of the most uncomfortable places for the human psyche seems to be the emotional space between the "old known" and the "new known" - perhaps a form of grief. Next meeting: 16 May 2:00pm at Ruby Blue Cafe Nunn Street. Jane Rushworth Again the group was well looked after by Ruby Blue Cafe's Dan and Jodi. Thank you so much.
Aging and reflecting on change dominated our discussion. As usual a diverse range of views created a rich and thought-promoting atmosphere. We enjoy aging, tend to feel like we are around 28 years old, and look in the mirror and wonder who that person might be. We bemoan the absence of an "elder" status in the culture that we experience, the impact of advertising that prioritises youth and beauty, and outsourcing our care to profit making entities. At national and global levels we reflected on the changing role of women, the stubborn gender pay-gap, and the disastrous consequences of our failure to learn from history. The purpose of this group includes gaining an understanding of where we are at with reference to a psychological theory. Had he been an observer, developmental theorist Erik Erikson might have explained today's discussion as consistent with his theory about late adulthood - the conflict between "Ego Integrity and Despair". This developmental stage balances both a sense of integrity and fulfillment, as well as a willingness to face death, with dissatisfaction with life and despair over the prospect of dying. Find out more at Structural Learning's 'Eriksen's Developmental Stages' IMPORTANT : The date for the April meeting has been changed to Thursday 11 April (at Ruby Blue 2-4pm). Apologies for the inconvenience. Jane The Demystifying Psychology Discussion group has entered its 4th year. The group had its origins during Covid lockdowns and a creative suggestion from the 2020 Demystifying Psychology Course group keen to continue “meeting” and willing to try Zoom.
Welcome back to those stalwarts, and a warm welcome to new members who have completed the Demystifying Psychology “Course” group. A group of 12 met at Ruby Blue Café to set the scene for 2024. Our group is not therapeutic; instead, we discuss topics of interest raised without notice and then apply a psychological framework to them. The meeting content is always a surprise since no preparation is needed. Topics often relate to local, national, and/or international issues, often highlighting leadership styles, values, and politics. This month we established group expectations including the use of Chatham House rules. According to these rules, “participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.” (Source: Our first topic was “social dominance”, as in “caste”. Caste is described as “a system of classifying society in a hierarchical order in which some people are kept inferior and others superior” (, evident through-out the world and defined in many versions of the word “caste”. A group member recommended the movie “Origin”, a movie inspire by Isabel Wilkerson’s 2020 book, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontent”. Further reading/viewing : Many theories each offer some explanation for the global support of stereotypes such as “caste”. The concept of “Confirmation Bias” is one such theory – go to NEXT MEETING: Thursday 21 March 2:00 – 4:00pm @ Ruby Blue Café 64 Nunn Street. Jane Welcome back to some ... and welcome to first-timers.
The Demystifying Psychology Discussion Group convenes on the third Thursday of the month at Ruby Blue Cafe (64 Nunn Street, Benalla - conference room at the back). Many thanks again to Ruby Blue Cafe for their on-going support for this U3A group by making the room available at no cost. Access the room (1) via the cafe proper, or (2) from the side door on the lane located on the left side of the cafe. We can still purchase cuppas if we wish and there's no requirement to do so. Looking forward to diving into 2024 with some great conversations. See you all on Thursday 15 Feb at 2:00pm. Jane 0437 621 575 Our group size waxes and wanes depending on the time of the year. At present the 6-8 regular contributors are enjoying proportionately more chatting time than larger groups can offer.
We look forward to welcoming new members in 2023. Participation in the U3A 5-session Demystifying Psychology Course program is listed as a pre-requisite. In some circumstances that may not be necessary, so please contact the Convener. We started a discussion about personal and community values and how easy, or otherwise, it might be to consistently apply these values. It was noted that circumstances can impact on our ideals and concluded that history suggests that extreme environments impact on the ideal expression of one’s values, and that values can change when priorities change. Andrew McFarlane posed a curly question which challenged us to individually make a choice and to explain that choice in terms of our earlier values discussion. Andrew described a failing hot air balloon carrying three passengers. The balloon could survive if the load was lightened. One passenger had to go. Andrew’s question was “Which passenger? The young health scientist, an environmental scientist, etc etc. ..”. As you likely know, there is no one single and correct solution to such a dilemma. How we live in shades of grey can be the challenge. UPDATE (please ignore previous dates) Thursday 21 December 12:00 – 2:00 – Xmas lunch at The North Eastern Hotel (1 Nunn Street, Benalla). Booking name “Jane”. Please RSVP to 0437 621 575 or [email protected] by Monday 18 December. Note – the Demystifying Psychology Course Group will join us. I would like to end the year with a big thank you to the fearless “Discussion” group participants who have covered ground recommended ”not suitable” for Xmas, weddings, BBQs and the like. My appreciation to the U3A committee for making Benalla U3A work so smoothly, particularly to Len, Bev and Heather. All the best for 2024! Jane A convenor’s role includes summarising group discussions for publication. I have never found that task so challenging as when I’m writing up the Demystifying Psychology Group’s discussion summary. The challenge is doing justice to 2 hours of rich, vibrant, informed, creative, humorous, and unplanned discussion. So, forgive me dear group members … here goes! This month we discussed how we have given our life meaning, and our visions for the future – which defy the ever-present age trope. We wondered at the possibility that we are, individually, a lucky collection of molecules in an extraordinarily bigger picture, and we enjoyed questioning many of the historical frameworks (including religion) proffered to explain our existence. Phew!!
As Brian Cox, Professor of Particle Physics, says .. “We just don’t know”. Here are some links that might take you on a similar journey.
Maybe Monty Python has the answer! Enjoy … Please add these dates to your diaries:
Jane Rushworth 0437 621 575 Andrew McFarlane, now retired, has a long and fascinating association with the commercial flying world. In this discussion session, and within the context of recent changes in Qantas leadership, Andrew described some of the back story to such changes. He explained early days of the Australian aviation industry, the positive culture and pioneering spirit among staff, a strong camaraderie, a sense of adventure, loyalty to the industry, and changes in management focus across eras. Then Covid arrived and, acting as catalyst to management opened the door for leadership to prioritize cost-cutting measures, and strain relations with employees due to layoffs and wage freezes. It seemed staff loyalty was severely bruised, if not lost, and the leadership team was under a cloud. Recent media coverage of Qantas suggests staff and customers have reason to feel a loss of loyalty to an iconic airline.
The purpose of the discussion group is to apply theoretical frameworks to everyday occurrences. In this case we pondered on the concepts of “Loyalty” and “Leadership”. Loyalty is a strong feeling of support or allegiance (Oxford).
Leadership is varied and is the ability of an individual or a group of people to influence and guide followers or members of an organization, society or team (Oxford).
"Look after your employees and they will take care of your business. It's as simple as that." Richard Branson. Enjoy listening to a conductor talk about leadership in Lead Like the Great Conductors. The next group will meet on Thursday 19 October, 2-4pm, Ruby Blue Café – 67 Nunn Street Benalla. Jane Rushworth Benalla's winter migration and trend means a smaller group and additional time for individual input. While we miss our traveller friends and look forward to their safe return, we happily declare ourselves "Old, Bold ... and surviving the cold!".
We meet at Ruby Blue (thank you RB Team!!) 2-4pm on the 3rd Thursday of the month. The content is unplanned (* see below) and a topic grows out of the initial 15 minutes of chat. This month's topic was "leadership" including:
* There is always a "starter" sitting in the wings as a discussion prompt. This was the (unrequired) conversation starter for August …enjoy. Next Meeting: Thursday 21 September 2-3:45 pm @ Ruby Blue Cafe, Nunn Street, Benalla Jane Rushworth Though many of the group have "escaped" to warmer climates, the group was still a good size for hearty discussions. We thought of a T-Shirt slogan for us "hardy" souls that declares "Old, bold and survived the cold". It is, however, certainly not cold in the cosy Ruby Blue meeting room. Thanks again to The Ruby Blue Team. Please note that due to our lower numbers we will end the next two months at 3:45pm and return to 4:00pm in October.
First, it was wonderful to welcome Heather back to the group and looking so wonderfully healthy. This month discussions were as varied, interesting, and mind stretching as ever. In hindsight, the theme that developed could be described as "strategies for difficult conversations" with topics including:
See you at our next meeting: Thursday 17 August 2023 2:00 - 3:45pm at Ruby Blue Cafe - Nunn Street. Bring a topic to get the ball rolling .. and let's again enjoy what arises. Jane Rushworth
July’s discussion group was well attended. The meeting room at Ruby Blue continues to meet our needs nicely – warm, private, and great coffee/tea. A couple of members are on “escape to warmer climes” trips. We wish them loads of fun and we look forward to their return.
“Leadership” was our focus this month and we discussed:
The following TED talks address “Leadership” in different ways, and each TED talk invites us to “step-up”. The italicized text is my “take-home” message for each. I hope you find them inspiring, enlightening and encouraging. Everyday Leadership – The lollipop moment/kindness/incidental leadership.
Collaborative Leadership – We need radical interdependence/when you see problems you can’t unsee them.
The crisis of leadership -- and a new way forward – (Mis)trust in leadership/ courageous leadership/ our accountability.
Each TED Talk builds on the notion that we are all leaders, sometimes in ways we are not aware of, and that every act of leadership matters. Your thoughts?
Demystifying Pschyology Discussion Group in Semester 2 Demystifying Psychology Discussion Group meetings will continue in Semester 2 with meetings held on the 3rd Thursday of the month from July to November at Ruby Blue Café. The next group will meet: Day/Date: Thursday 20 July Time: 2-4pm Venue: Ruby Blue Café – 67 Nunn Street Benalla At this stage, there are no plans to open the Demystifying Psychology Discussion Group to new members in Semester 2 of 2023. Continuing members of the Demystifying Psychology Discussion Group, do however, have the option of taking the five session course to be held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month from 10 am to 12 noon. In December we will gather at the North Eastern Hotel (1 Nunn Street) for an end of year review and celebration lunch. Here are the details .. and a reminder will go out again later in the year. Date: 21 December 2023 Time: 12 noon Venue: North Eastern Hotel (1 Nunn Street) Menu: Your choice from the menu. Jane 04378 621 575 [email protected]
(Picture source-
Our group meets to discuss issues of psychological interest to the group and to apply psychological theoretical overlays as a way of understanding more about the topics.
Meeting at Ruby Blue gives us a private discussion space, opportunities to buy excellent coffee and cake, and enjoy fabulous care from the Ruby Blue team. Thank you to Daniel and Team. Andrew’s suggestion we prepare our obituary prompted varied responses and a full two hours of discussion. Some in the group spoke about what they would include if they did write their obituary. Some wrote and chose to keep that to themselves, and some wrote and shared. We concluded that:
We could relate to the simplicity of Andrew’s intent to “walk softly in life” and Brian’s “I did my best” – and all agreed neither aim is straightforward. Thank you to Margaret who researched … “Advanced Care Plans on Benalla Health Advanced Care Plan site. It addresses the various aspects of this topic including Chris Thorne 10-minute video on “Taking care of Dying Time …”. The Benalla Health site has references to similar Victorian government organisations that can also be found by googling Advance Care Planning Victoria. It is important to include Victoria as legislation varies slightly from State to State.” Here are some interesting resources that consider our various attitudes to death.
Next meeting – Thursday 15 June 2023 @ Ruby Blue Café (Nunn St) – 2:00pm to 4:00 PM. Note - Demystifying Psychology Discussion Group continues through to November 2023. SEMESTER 2 UPDATE Starting 18 July 2023
Jane 0437 621 575 This article popped up the day before we gathered and was sent out as a conversation starter .. if we needed such a thing! I emailed it anyway. It describes the plight of a TV series family in which the adult children try extraordinarily hard to appease a difficult .. often abusive … parent, to no avail. The article also included many excellent links to the various theories about this familial discord – including a link to “Schema” (not schemer) theory. This was a new rabbit hole for us .. and down we went for a look. ![]() By the time we had explored “Schema” theory and its application to some day-to-day examples, we discovered we were discussing the potentially confronting topic of gender, sex, and transitioning. Having been raised in a gender binary, and more likely to hear the term “fluidity” in a Form 4 science lab, gender fluidity and cultural change became the day’s topic. Two hours later we had discussed DNA, sex, gender, chromosomes, parental responses to gender fluidity, parenting and supporting a transitioning child, social responses to transitioning children and adults, challenges in sports, the relatively short history of a binary world, historical and cultural attitudes to gender diversity, the social and economic reasons for some of these attitudes .. and much more. It was time to depart. Then .. a “History of multiple genders” on Tick Tok popped up on my facebook .. a fascinating chat, though not to be quoted in respected science journals. See link below. (The drawing down the side of this report? It’s an Adobe Stock visual of the evolution of our group discussions.) “History of multiple genders” Ps … Many thanks to Glenys and to Andrew for May’s topics:
Next Psychology Discussion group: Thursday 18 May 2-4 pm @ Ruby Blue Café – Nunn Street. Contact: Jane Rushworth 0437 621 575 Many thanks to the Northo for hosting the second Psychology Discussion Group. 15 U3A members settled into cozy couches and did what we do best … chat. This was the first time new members had an opportunity to chat (the first session focused on psychological concepts and was very structured), and it was heartening to see how easily topics were raised and diverse thoughts shared and considered.
The groups role is to raise topics for discussion. The convener links discussions with psychological theories, research, ethical considerations etc. Here is an example of that rhythm: One discussion caught the groups attention - the Benalla Fawkner Drive re-development concept, survey design, and the impact of the survey participant upper age range being “50+years”. The group agreed that this upper age designation potentially ignored lifetime developmental phases and an older person's approach to problems, goals, and situations. This observation was supported by Erikson’s Theory that “older adults develop a “comprehensive sense of wisdom” by renewing earlier stages of development and developing mature forms of the psychological achievements they that they made throughout the life course”. Ref - . As the hubbub of hotel activity continued around us, a customer approached the group to say how much she had enjoyed listening to our discussion, how impressed she was at the variety of shared conversations and offered us some of her thoughts on a concept known as the “15 Minute City”. These links will give you an idea of the direction that conversation took us over the coffee break. Join us if this piques your interest .. and you still have space in your 2023 diary. Contact the convenor on 0437 621 575. The next Psychology Discussion Group will be held: Date/time: 20 April 2:00-4:00 pm Location: Ruby Blue Café – 67 Nunn Street, Benalla. Please note the change of location. Jane Rushworth Meeting at the wonderful Northo has been a tradition for this group - and we have been well cared for by Jeff, Phillipa, Woodsie, Mel and staff .
The group environment was designed in 2022 for a smaller number of participants. The 2023 "up-size" warrants a review that takes into account budgets for monthly room hire, background noise, venue access etc, etc, etc (more "etc"s as we mature!!). I've taken the liberty of changing the venue for the next meeting. The aim is for us to have a comparison for further discussions about our "etc"s. Time will be allocated at the end of the gathering for these discussions. The next meeting will be held: Date/time: 20 April 2:00-4:00 pm Location: Ruby Blue Café – 67 Nunn Street, Benalla. Room Cost: None. Refreshments: Extensive selection available at own cost. Toilets: On-site or public toilets in Denny Street care park. Options for Access to “Ruby Blue Café” via : 1. Nunn St Entrance – advise staff that you are joining the U3A meeting in the back room. Head to the door at the back of the café, into a small hallway, then proceed straight ahead through the next door to our room. 2. Laneway entrance - The lane way is on the left side of the cafe. From Nunn St, the first door down the laneway on the right is the door to the small hallway mentioned above. Once in the small hallway, enter the door on your left to get to our room. 3 Back yard of Ruby Blue Cafe via Denny Street car park - From the perspective of the Denny Street car park behind you, and with the back wall of Ruby Blue Cafe in front of you, there is a brick pathway down the left side of the building. This pathway will take you to an entrance. Once through the door, our room will be on your left. I hope I have not wasted Mrs. Bucci's time. Mrs. Bucci was my fabulous grade 5 maths teacher. One day she gave the class the task of writing instructions for "How to tie a shoe-lace" (last century and pre-velcro era). We then paired up with a class-mate who tested the instructions. I did alright. I do hope the access options work :). Jane Jane Rushworth "Our first 2023 gathering was held at the Benalla Bowls Club. The preparation and support from Daniel and his BBC team created an ideal start to our 2023 U3A program. Thank you so much to the BBC Team. By way of a bit of background, the idea for this group arose during a discussion amongst the 2021 Demystifying Psychology course participants. With the U3A Committees blessing, a small Psychology Discussion Group gathered monthly during 2022. It was a casual "let's see how this works" style of group. In 2023 Psychology Discussion Group is now part of the U3A 2023 Course Calendar and will remain a casual "let's see how this works" style of group . Welcome to the original "experimental" group, and welcome to the many 2023 new-comers to the 2023 U3A Psychology Discussion group. It's going to be a fascinating year. Throughout 2023 expect to have fun as we apply a psychological lens to everyday events. To get the ball rolling, and based on the 2022 "experimental" group's suggestion, 2023 opened with the only structured session for this program. The 2023 group thought it would be an idea to introduce participants to the many concepts referred to in psychology. This session was a bit dense with information. We looked at, for example, the history of psychology, the underpinning disciplines, what constitutes a psychological theory, who thought up some of these theories and how do psychologists maintain consistency in any diagnosis made. The rest of 2023 will be considerably "fly by our pants", varied, and insightful. Expect casual, unplanned, and very interesting discussions. Participant's role is to share chat time about anything that interests you. The convenmers role is to create links between the discussion content, psychological theories and frameworks, and ensure participants have an opportunity for discussion input.
If you think this is for you, and you missed the first session .. do not worry. It is the norm for participants in this group (including the Convener) to say " I have no idea" and for us to refer to Google. Future gatherings will be held at the North Eastern Hotel, 2-4 pm, each third Thursday of the month. We meet indoors or outdoors depending on the weather, and cuppas 'n cake are available for purchase if we wish (cost unknown at this stage). Next meeting : 19 March 2023, 2-4 pm at the Northo." The Demystifying Psychology Discussion Group led by Jane for members of the classes of '20 and '21 met informally but regularly throughout 2022 at the Northo. The group is being formally added to the U3A timetable in 2023. Same time, same place - 3rd Thursday from 2 to 4pm; the place, 'the Northo' (North Eastern Hotel). "An open discussion group with a psychological focus looking at current events. If you are interested in various interpretations of relationships of all kinds, you are welcome and can expect to have fun. No preparation required". Convenor: Jane Rushworth Time and Place: The Northo, 3rd Thrsday 2 to 4 pm Added to this, in Semester 2, Jane will be offering the Demystifying Psychology course again in a five session light hearted course introducing psychology in everyday life and some of the theories that attempt to explain how and why we do things.
Convenor: Jane Rushworth Time and venue: Semester 2 - to be advised. |
Demystifying Psychology - Discussion GroupA discussion group with a psychological focus looking at current events. If you are interested in various interpretations of relationships and events, you are welcome and can expect to have fun. No preparation needed, unless you find something of group interest to share. Meeting Times and Venue3rd Tuesday of the month from 10 to 12..
U3A Meeting Room 1 Convenor and Contact DetailsJane Rushworth
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