It would be helpful if convenors could check the web pages for their courses to make sure that the details are correct, including where there has been a change of convenors, for example, Bush Walking - Easy Walks, Wine Appreciation, and Stock and Land.
Course pages have been created for new courses to which monthly reports will be added from newsletters - American History with Barbara Rogers; Car Torque with Doug Smith; Colour Mixing and Watercolour Techniques - Botanical with Margaret Zaal; Come and Play Croquet with Judy Amery; with Jane Rushworth, Exploring Writing Children’s Books with Peter Thompson; French at the Table with Carole Ruta; Mahjong with Kay Blore and Train Buffs with Athol Graham. 'Collectors' has been reinstated and a new page created for Demystifying Psychology - Perception.
New convenors may like to suggest replacements for the images on the banner slide show - for example the image for Exploring Writing Children’s Books was created through a request to ChatGPT (AI) ! It is not difficult to change the heading photo/s, just send in or suggest other photos. Once the year commences, photos of activities can replace what is there. Photos of some convenors are still to be added to the course pages.
The updated web version of the Convenors A - Z for 2025 is now available. It has
- more emphasis on the needs of new convenors. We have quite a number of new convenors in 2025!
- clickable links to topics indexed on the first page. These links will open up from most devices and will make using the A-Z easier to negotiate.
The confidential version of the Convenors A-Z 2025 will be distributed to new convenors by Course Coordinator Anne Nelson on Enrolment Day. This includes includes WiFi log in details and password and the Photocopier password.
Best wishes for a wonderful year with your classes at U3A.
Bev Lee
Web Manager
0478 607 838