With more time at home on our hands, a master list of ‘500 words’ topics covered since the group commenced in 2015 to the end of 2020 has been emailed to class members. The aim is to encourage everyone to keep writing during the Covid-break! There’s also a column for ‘decades’ to help us to sequence stories into whether they occurred when we were children, teenagers, twenty or thirty somethings…, or seventy, eighty or ninety somethings!
Our topic for Monday 24 August is ‘Right Here, Right Now' - ‘A time capsule of the present. Write a story about a situation currently unfolding in your life, right here, right now’. Upcoming topics for Monday 28 September - ‘I came down with a thud’… or ‘Out of the Blue’ - ‘Share your memories of a time when ‘you came down with a thud’ or when something happened ‘out of the blue’ in 500 words’. Email stories to [email protected]. All welcome to join in!
Bev Lee