Given a large air show is a feature of the Benalla Festival in 2022, also that a new course 'The Sky's the Limit' is being offered in 2023 to reflect Benalla's long association with aviation, our second topic is a repeat of the brief set for the 2016 Festival competition, 'The Sky's the Limit', prior to the world gliding championships in January 2017.
"As part of the 2016 Benalla Festival, budding writers in Benalla Rural City are invited to enter a poem or a piece of prose on the topic ‘The Sky is the limit!’ This topic is based on this year’s Benalla Festival theme which celebrates Benalla’s long association with aviation. Your piece might be:
- a bird’s eye view of our beautiful part of North East Victoria.
- about gliding in Benalla and the World Gliding Championships.
- about our fascination with all forms of flight.
- about the future possibilities with space travel.
- about a time when you or someone else excelled at school, work or on the sporting arena.
- about a time when your achievements exceeded expectations.
- about someone who inspires you or has inspired you to always do your best. (This might be your mum, dad, grandparent, next door neighbour, teacher or sporting coach).
- about organisations that help create a better community.
I've already received some stories for 'This (....) Life'! The Brief: “Create and develop a concept for a story drawing on something which is happening now or reflects on memories from the past”, for example, ‘This (Downsizing) Life’ by an 80+ year old about planning to farewell loved home; ‘This (Number 8) Life’ about growing up as ‘Number 8’ in a family of nine children. Stories ‘This (Adventurous) Life’ and ‘This (Fear of Heights) Life’ are among those written last year.
Finally, a reminder to check out the ‘brief bio’ on your ‘Our Stories’ page to see if you would like to change it to better reflect your reason for writing stories, your intended audience, etc.