Why ATGB? What have you already done, if anything - from an almost completed autobiography?
What is the difference between an autobiography and a memoir?
Section in the Course Introduction:
Example in the Ensign report. How does our program work in relation to 'memoir'.
Yes - Micro slices of our lives - Icebreakers - used to start the session; may have a theme eg. 'The Corner Shop', 'Gone Fishing'; 'My happy place'; sometimes we write them, mostly we share them with a 'pair'
No - Macro slices of our lives - Memoirs in book form? No - but we encourage you to read memoirs and think about the theme and subthemes they have chosen as the focus of their memoir
How can you 'fit' in the class if your focus is on writing an autobiography? This is a decision for you to make, however consider the following... you could
1. Draw upon a 'slice' of what you have already written which fits with a monthly topic, tweaking if this seems worthwhile for class, but in most cases keeping as is in what you have already written.
2. Write on a monthly topic to keep your 'writing side of the brain' 'fit' and ready for writing in your chosen form - ie. autobiography or book length memoir.
3.. Respond to a topic freshly by writing about it. It could trigger other memories! Then, think about whether it does indeed have a place in your autobiography.
4. Write on the monthly topics and over time organise them to a time-line based publication of your selected stories.
Some features of the group....
Why memoir writing? What can memoir do - what are the good features of memoir writing - why do it?
The As Time Goes By webpage - The web-page and 'our stories', 'stories by topic', and more https://u3abenalla.weebly.com/home2
Anything to share today?
Any questions?
Thanks for finding the time to come today!