By September, a regular four or five participants were meeting fortnightly instead of monthly. We have great fun and all ended the year with a portfolio of memoir related stories. Most of our ‘stories’ are based on ABC Open’s ‘500 word’ topics – topics such as ‘Grandparents’, ‘Lost and Found’, ‘I quit’, ‘A Test of Courage’, ‘A Friendship Tested’, ‘For Better For Worse’ and ‘Cringe’. We added other topics when we moved to fortnightly meetings – a bedtime story for a child; a stand up comedy set, ‘The Year that Made Me’ and ‘Christmas’. You can see some of our stories on the website.
Our meetings are enjoyable, with the sharing of stories leading to reminiscing about such things as living on a sheep farm; having our first bra fitted in the lingerie department; our first love; travelling overseas, and more.
Writing Workshop is being offered again in 2016, with our first formal meeting in W4 on the third Monday in February from 1.30 to 3.30 pm and our first more informal café based meeting on the first Monday in March from 2.30 to 3.30 pm. If you are interested in reminiscence based writing, with an occasional change of genre to keep things interesting, we would love you to join us.