- Title/subtitle/ 'Finding memories of a distant home through Milo toast'
- Book/Article/other - Article (online)
- Author/ Rachel Heng
- Publisher - LitHub - March 28, 2023 - https://lithub.com/finding-memories-of-a-distant-home-through-milo-toast/ or Download pdf
- Subtitle/’lens’ or focus/ - in this case is really spelt out in the title of the article...
- Highlight – (how has this memoir related to something in/about your life; etc). "I loved Milo, and have surreptitious yet quirkily treasured memories of going to the cupboard and spooning out Milo for direct consumption. It also developed my appreciation of the history of Milo, as I never realised it was available throughout the world, also that it had socio/political implications."
Bev Lee