Welcome/Introduction/Apologies/Introductory Handout
2025 ATGB - Course Introduction
“A memoir captures a meaningful slice of life - a memory, a lesson, or an experience that stands out. In our sessions, members come together to share short, reflective stories (up to 500 words) inspired by a new theme each month. As Time Goes By is not a writing skills class, nor is it about creating a full autobiography. It’s a space for those who want to record the stories that future generations might never think to ask about - a place to remember and share treasured moments in a welcoming, supportive environment with others who are also telling their stories.”
Some ‘core documents’ for new members
'Tips for Writing your 500 Words Story' (ABC Open)
Writing a story in 500 words - approaching 'Failure' and 'Heart Break' (ABC Open)
List of Topics for 2025
'As Time Goes By' Topic List for 2025
The importance of a level of reflection on impact on you as part of memoir writing –
Vale Carole Marple – an original member of ‘As Time Goes By’
https://u3abenalla.weebly.com/-caroles-stories/category/all - My Other Life
Icebreaker Introductions
This Month’s Topics –
‘New in Town’
Carmyl Winkler
‘I Was There’
Joan Brown – ‘I Was There’ – Tall Ships, Station Pier, 5 – 16 September, 1988
Neville Gibb – ‘I Was There before indoor plumbing’
? Ray – The Bushfires of 1951 - https://u3abenalla.weebly.com/rays-page/category/i-was-there-1951-bushfire
‘This (…….) Life ‘ Examples ‘This (Downsizing) Life’ by an 80+ year old about planning to farewell loved home; ‘This (Number 8) Life’ about growing up as ‘Number 8’ in a family of nine children. Also –see our ‘This (….) Life’ stories!
‘This (Pit Village) Life’ also ‘A Childhood Memory’….
‘This (Uncomplicated) Life’ – James Davey
‘This (Serendipitous) Life – Delfina Manor
‘Kathy Beattie - ‘Our Lucky Break….. or ‘‘This (Never a Dull Moment) Life’ –
‘Triggers’ Keep a notebook close by during the break in which to note any ‘triggers’ which lead you to reminisce about a time in your lives. You may have been talking to someone, watching television or a film, driving somewhere, reading a book. Choose one to three of these - write about the memories evoked, keeping the total words to 500 – 750 words
- Bev’s ‘Melbourne Cup’ stories
- Tom Barnaby – ‘Triggers’ (Later when Tom returns)…
‘Memoir Review’ Perhaps you’ll have time during the holiday break to read and reflect upon a memoir which you discovered has a particular meaning to you, drawing on our longer form memoir analysis sheet to write a review to share with the class.
Heather Hartland’s original take on a memoir review – ‘My Chaotic Life’
Any Catch up or Other Stories? If time….
- Barry O’Connor - ‘Steep Learning/Remembering Curve x 2’
- James Davey - ‘U-Turn’ or ‘Turning Point’ (or ‘Starting Over’…) stories?
Follow up -
- Barry O’Connor – Continuation … Tabled …. Need for a new course - ‘Hot Topics’
- Neville Gibb - Artificial Intelligence has been an occasional theme in our classes - Neville’s story – on quantum physics… we all really felt we didn’t know enough to respond; reflecting on this, I asked the question related to whether his propositions were sound of ChatGPT, which presented a categorised list of comments, and an encouraging and positive conclusion
Next Month’s Suggested Stories – Check out the List of Stories for 2025
New Members – ‘Failure’ or ‘Success’ stories using the 500 word suggested framework
Returning Members –
- Covid – 5 years on! or
- ‘Sisters’